Feature request. Edit group like edit block


Can I please request that double clicking a group opens it up for editing. Just like when editing a block except without the features that make a block unique.

Hope this makes sense.


Yes, +1 for me.
I found situations where working with big pattern make sense to keep a group but being able to edit the single geometry.

Today is actually possible using Cntrl+Shift selection but it requires extra click if you want to select multiple objects into the group.

The Cntrl+Shift selection always highlights multiple options and the whole polysurface isn’t the first nor simple to find.

I use the following plugin for block and group editing. It has become my must-have :slightly_smiling_face: (not compatible for mac unfortunately)

Block Edit New | Food4Rhino

Hej Morten -

I’ve added this thread to the following feature request: RH-1045 Global group selection controllable

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