Farrier F9-AX modeled from Laser Scanner pointcloud.
Saw where you posted this on the F-Boat group, great work. I was going to post a link here but glad to see you did so yourself.
Thank you !,
I just thought I should update my profile.
Do you own an F-Boat ?
I wish! I have raced them often but am now having to be satisfied with a Brown SeaClipper 28.
Jim Brown was a fantastic boat designer!, I have listened to many of his podcasts, he was a real pioneer with multihull design.
Ian Farrier was no slouch either…
Jim Brown got me started though a long time ago when my Dad met him in Sausalito at some yacht club speaking event and I started getting study plans of Jim’s that my Dad was dreaming of he and I building together at some point. He got remarried instead! I still haven’t fully forgiven him for that…