Size Doesn't Matter

Gan Ceir - A 17’ Rowing Skiff Suitable for traditional, Glued Lapstrake, or Woodstrip Epoxy-Lap.
A work in progress -Lines, Profile & Plan, Construction Details, and Offset Tables are nearly complete!

Rendered with a little help in Vray!


wonderful design and lovely image! thanks for sharing

Great rendering and design. I recently did a similar design, 15ft rowboat for strip/epoxy construction, but don’t have nice renderings like your to share!

Thank you Kyle - more to follow!

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Thank you Craig!

I probably spend too much time on rendering stuff - but Its the closest ill get to building things these days.

I’d love to see the rowboat!

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Love the boat, the rendering and the setup, the subtle details of seaguls and lilys are great too. Excellent work!