Family creation with rhino.inside

Hi @Japhy

I am having trouble with rhino.inside.revit

What I want to do is I want to transfer my curtain panel block to the Revit as a family.
I see that I don’t get a warning in Grasshopper, but I can’t see any object in Revit.
I can’t figure out what the problem is. I would be grateful if you could take the time to help me.

Untitled.3dm (342.3 KB) (9.7 KB)

Are you making a Curtain Panel Family? These are typically applied to the Curtain Wall Panel Types.

Note that you’ll want to have these oriented the same way as Revit Family Template orients its geometry. Yours is laying Flat on the XY, you’ll want to stand this up so it comes in oriented correctly.

Thank you for your time,

1- I think I forgot to select the category, I selected curtain panel and the objects are now visible in Revit.

2- Ok, I oriented my objects on the xz plane.

3- But I want to transfer my objects to revit in the plane I have determined (green arrow). It is currently placing at the origin point.(red arrow)

Hi again,
I tried this method @scottd mentioned below and it worked. I felt the need to write in case someone has a similar problem with me.

i placed my object at origin like this, created the family and then I moved it back to where I wanted it to be.


thanks @Japhy and @scottd btw

Hi guys,

Tranferring to Revit family from Rhino block is quite promising! I am just wondering if some parameters in Gh associated to it is loaded as as a parameters of the family? in case someone wants to adjust the parameters with going to Rhino/gh or RIR? Thanks.

Hi Sketzjewel,

You can add/get parameters in the Family Document but will need to do the association to geometry, reference planes, materials, etc. manually.

It sounds like something might be off in the transfer process. Here are a few points I got from my web search, hope these help.

  • Make sure the object is actually visible in your Revit view. Sometimes it’s placed on a different workset or hidden from view.
  • Double-check that the Grasshopper definition is correctly setting the object as a Revit family, and it’s being created in the right category.
  • Ensure the units in Grasshopper match Revit’s. If there’s a scale mismatch, the object might be too small or too large to see.
  • Make sure Rhino.Inside.Revit is properly linked and working. A restart of both Rhino and Revit can sometimes help refresh the connection.
  • Verify that the object is placed in the right location in Revit. It could be getting placed too far from the origin or in a view where it’s not visible.