Hello everyone,
I have a question related to Rhino.Inside Revit. Specifically object transfer from Rhino to Revit with sub-categories involved and with New Component Family, Add Component (Location) nodes.
Attached 3dm file includes two groups of boxes. Each group (they are not grouped together, they just sit next to each other) of boxes represents objects belonging to one building.
Each box is then placed into respective master layer and sub-layer based on desired appearance. Each box also has its name, which defines family name later. When two or more boxes share the same name, it tells us that these boxes are geometry components of the same one family.
When I transfer one group of boxes, everything works fine. Families and Types are created, their Instances are being placed to their respective positions, and in the respective sub-categories based on their names, layers, and sub-layers as specified in Rhino model.
However, when I want to transfer the second group of boxes (because it will be created in the future, or has changed in the meantime), Instances created in the first Solution are removed. Families remain in the Revit, as well as Types, but in the Revit Model I can only see objects from the last script Solution.
Is there anything IĀ“m missing in objects tracking philosophy or Family Overwrite functions? Should I release objects once Instances are placed into model? Will Overwrite Family work later when called by the script?
What I want to achieve is that the internal geometry of a single family could change. IĀ“d like to be able to Edit/Replace/Substitute geometries inside respective Families any time later during working on the Project. So if there is a Family with the respective name in the Revit model, owerwrite everything inside the Family with the Geometry in the script. If there is no Family with Name provided by object from Rhino, then Create New Family and put geometry in.
Any suggestions how the workflow can be optimised, or the script enhanced are more than welcome.
Best regards,
Rhino-to-Revit.3dm (96.8 KB)
Rhino-to-Revit.gh (20.8 KB)