I have recently upgraded from Rhino 5 to Rhino 7. One problem I am facing with the new version is that whenever I extrude a curve, it extrudes in the direction of where the mouse cursor is related to the curve.
Lets say I have a curve and the mouse cursor is below the object, I write extrudecrv + enter, then 500 + enter. The new polysrf is extruded downwards. If I move the cursor to over the curve, the polysrf extrudes upwards.
I can see that some people would like this, but to me it is very anoying.
In Rhino 5, I would simply write extrudecrv + enter, and then -500 if I wanted it to extrude downwards, and just 500 for upwards.
Is there a way to change the settings so that it works similary to Rhino 5?
This was changed because an awful lot of users found the Rhino5 approach very annoying. Hopefully as your annoyance dies down and you respond to the new way automatically you will appreciate it more or at least find it just different instead of “worse”.
I still think the direction indication for _extrudeCrv is not intuitive.
Entering a number (+/-) and pressing Enter is a keyboard action and should not depend on the mouse position.
Entering a number and clicking in the viewport would be nice to interact with the mouse position.
…but the interaction with the mouse need s some fine tuning as i described here (closest point to curve instead of bounding-center - some visual feedback that shows +/- interpretation.
Totally agree with Tom. That would solve it for both user camps.
As a daily user of Rhino (architect) who extrudes lines all the time this new change has just really impeded my workflow and made me much slower than I used to be.
Where before I could just change between keyboard and mouse (write much faster with two hands), I now have to go back and forth from keyboard to mouse in order to do a simple command.
This really should be an optional feature in the next version of Rhino! If my office didn’t have a render program that works specifically with Rhino 7 I would downgrade again to 5 in order to keep my workflow in regards to keyboard use.