ExtractSrf not working anymore?


Just realize that I cannot extract surfaces anymore, or ctrl+shift+click on them…
Selection by rectangle is still working though…

Happens with edges also.

This has happened after playing with Rhino commands with Grasshopper

oh oh, welcome to my hell, i’ve been dealing with this for over a week and @pascal and @theoutside have been helping too. they can’t figure it out because they can’t reproduce it on their end.

hopefully with two cases they can solve this as i can’t wrk in v7 at all.

read over this and see if anything is consistent with yours, i’ve tried many different things trying to give info on debugging but nothing i’ve done has really helped fix it. except for using v6.

would you mind posting an offending file with dots on some failing edges/faces? as well as the result of

  • were you working with any imported geometry? i’m not sure if this is a correlation, but i ask just in case.
  • was it definitely grasshopper? if i make a new file without using grasshopper for any geometry i still get the bad behavior. if i make a box in hopper and bake i get the same behavior.
  • does new geometry in the offending files show the same behavior? if i make a new box in an offending file i can’t select them either.
  • did you upgrade the WIP recently?is this new behavior? was for me, but i’m not sure when it happened, i’m on the latest WIP and still have the issue.
  • what about in wireframe display? if i use wireframe i have no problem.
  • what about safe mode? i can work in safe mode only because it uses wireframe display only.
  • are you able to double click any of the offending edges? i can on some of them.
  • what about extracting an edge? i can’t do that either.

Hi @kleerkoat,
What I noticed is that edge selection doesn’t work when I see the objects from above.
If I move the camera to see the stuff from below, the edge selection works!

Sometimes on the same edges or faces.

  • were you working with any imported geometry?
  • was it definitely grasshopper? i didn’t use grasshopper in any of my failing files.
    Not sure, It started to happen after running the new set of tools for creating rhino commands for GH.
    (i thought it could be something related to switching back and forward between rhino.Doc to gh.doc context?)
  • does new geometry in the offending files show the same behavior? if i make a new box in an offending file i can’t select them either.
    same here
  • did you upgrade the WIP recently?is this new behavior? was for me, but i’m not sure when it happened, i’m on the latest WIP and still have the issue.
    I have been working on WIP for some time, to me it is a new behavior.
  • what about in wireframe display? if i use wireframe i have no problem.
    same here, no problem
  • what about safe mode? i can work in safe mode only because it uses wireframe display only.
  • are you able to double click any of the offending edges? i can on some of them.
  • what about extracting an edge? i can’t do that either.
    I cannot extract

I think it has somethng to do with custom display modes. Do you use custom display modes? Have you modified the Shaded display mode?

select edge-face bug.3dm (59.4 KB)

System info below:

Rhino 7 SR0 2020-8-25 (Public Build, 7.0.20238.17095, Git hash:master @ defebadb557c3bb1b151dfdc6e49d76a420b64de)
License type: Commercial, build 2020-08-25
License details: Cloud Zoo
Expires on: 2020-10-09

Windows 10.0 SR0.0 or greater (Physical RAM: 16Gb)

Non-hybrid graphics.
Primary display and OpenGL: Radeon RX Vega M GL Graphics (AMD) Memory: 4GB, Driver date: 6-24-2019 (M-D-Y). OpenGL Ver: 4.6.13559 Compatibility Profile Context 26.20.12001.12000

Secondary graphics devices.
Intel® HD Graphics 630 (Intel) Memory: 1GB, Driver date: 10-25-2019 (M-D-Y).

OpenGL Settings
Safe mode: Off
Use accelerated hardware modes: On
Redraw scene when viewports are exposed: On

Anti-alias mode: 4x
Mip Map Filtering: Linear
Anisotropic Filtering Mode: Height

Vendor Name: ATI Technologies Inc.
Render version: 4.6
Shading Language: 4.60
Driver Date: 6-24-2019
Driver Version: 26.20.12001.12000
Maximum Texture size: 16384 x 16384
Z-Buffer depth: 24 bits
Maximum Viewport size: 16384 x 16384
Total Video Memory: 4 GB

i did, but i’ve only been testing with default shaded. i’ve noticed that it doesn’t work in shaded or rendered but does in ghosted and xray

awesome, it sucks but atleast you and i are experiencing the same exact thing so we can get closer to a fix, i’ve been the only one reporting it so far i believe.

i’ve tagged pascal and theoutside so hopefully when we get in they’ll let us know that they see your post and maybe it will trigger some new debugginh options. keep our fingers crossed.

edit: i’m seeing the bad behavior in the file you shared. we are on the same page then. thank you!

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yes, I’m curious if @pascal can replicate this on the same file.

@pascal did you see that we have a new victim to the sub select issue? ty

have you tried clearallmeshes to regen the render mesh? I’m wondering if something got hosed up with the render mesh generation…

another thing to try, change the mesh settings in tools>options>mesh and see if that helps.

try bigger, smaller, and custom settings to see if there is any change.

Hi all,

I think that there’s something related to display modes:
Please check the video from below. You can see that on shaded I have no problem selecting, but in my custom display mode I struggle to select.

yep… something in your custom mode is hosed…could be isoparms, could be render mesh, could be anything…

copy shaded mode (that works) and then change only 1 parameter at a time to get to your custom mode to see which one breaks it.

Interesting idea Kyle,

So I did it twice. My ShadedWithTextures mode is actually a copy of rendered (but because it is not mentioned anywhere it gets confusing)

So i took them one by one twice. Once in rhino7 and second on a copy which came from rhino6 to rihino 7.
I could not replicate this. I don’t know what can cause it.

Could be related to display modes that come from 6 to 7. But I don’t know…

My only conclusion is that R7 needs a display mode editor which is not part of Options. Display modes are important, the settings should get a proper editor, it is also very difficult to test in options…

can you clarify what you mean by an editor?
we do have a display tab where you can edit things on the fly…

Yes, the display tab is already much better, because i can see direct changes in the viewport.
But it doesn’t have all the settings that can be found in options… Still, it has a lot of space. So I would say, first bring all the options there.
Then mention for each custom copy the type. so i have a copy of Shaded should be Type-shaded, then named as any user would like to. Then to make a clear difference between types, would be best to have all the options for all types in the display tab, but the ones which are not applicable to a specific type should be simply grayed out…

Then it would be best to scroll trough them and see the difference in the viewport.
I would also suggest to take them out from options and rename display tab to Display editor.

this is just to make order. things can be improved also afterwards i think.

something like this:

not seeing that here, if i create default shaded i still have issues here, so it can’t be custom modes from what i’m observing here.

@theoutside @pascal

i think i maybe figured it out, it has something to do with the grid settings in display mode.

if i have “show grid behind all objects” everything is fine, change that to “show grid on top of objects” it fails. “transparent” appears to be working ok. @Bogdan_Chipara how about you?

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damnit! it fixed it here so far. wtf! :frowning:

Ah, no @kleerkoat, you are right, switching the grid indeed solves the problem.
But what causes it?

Because, if I switch the grid on a model that works, I don’t get into this again…

and why does it work on some geometry and not others with the bad grid settings? that’s puzzling.

but you concur that we are onto something?

i don’t want to get too excited. i actually love when rhino gives me problems. i have fun trying to debug, it’s like a logic puzzle :wink:

edit: i just tried on my buddies v7 and the grid settings didn’t matter, she still didn’t see the error in the bad file i have. but as long as both you and i are seeing it, we aren’t crazy and a fix is more likely. fingers crossed

Hello - can you make selections if the display mode in the viewport is a default one - completely default?
