Extracting Link model grid and level

Hi guys,

Is there a way to extract the grid and level from the link model?

thank you,

Yes, this is how you do it. There is an optional document input for a lot of nodes. Make sure you connect Revit link as the document input.

Thank you very much Mucahit, i will try to test this, cheers.

Hi Mucahit,

I forgot to mentioned, is this applicable to link model coming from the BIM360?


Hi Mucahit,

I just managed to follow your step, which is cool! next one is how to convert this
into my revit project level? thanks

Hey @sketzjewel ,

Attached you will find how you can achieve converting linked model grids and levels to your current project. If anything is not clear let me know.

Hi Mohamed,

Thanks, by any chance if the arch has updated their model, the generated revit project grid and level will be updated automatically without adding any gh definition?


Hey @sketzjewel ,

If you are trying to keep a link between the ARC model and your own model, you can use Revit’s built in Copy/Monitor tool to achieve just that, where you will be able to copy/monitor the levels and grids from the Linked ARC model and then enable the monitor functionality.

The monitor functionality will then keep track of any changes that happen in the ARC linked model. Once you reload an updated ARC link in your project Revit will notify you whenever any changes that happen to your monitored elements (Grids and Levels, in your case) and then you can decide whether to accept these changes and modify you levels and grids accordingly or reject the changes etc…

This would be the way to go if you don’t want to rerun a GH definition every time you get an update.

In the other case, if you want to use RiR to modify your Levels and add new levels when you get new updates, you can use the native RiR to make that work for levels by editing existing levels parameters and filtering non-existing levels in you project according to the updated link level names and adding those only as new levels (OR a not good practice is you can just utilize knowing that the component will not add levels using the same names and skip the filtering new levels step).

As for Grids, you can create any new grids using the add component but for editing the existing grids changing their location … EDITED: So I found that modifying grids would be doable with some bit of work by computing the transformation (movement vector and rotation angle) difference between grids with the same name from the main and linked project and applying those transformations using the ElementTransformUtils Class from the Revit API as a user object (python / C# component) in GH.

So it all depends on what you are after, so feel free to elaborate more on your workflow.

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