Extending wall references


I have a question about extend walls. I’ve noticed that if the walls are extended to a surface that later gets hidden and then the object gets moved (without the surface), the walls disappear because I guess the wall no longer has its reference height? Is there any way of setting these walls so once they are built to height they no longer link to that original surface?

Thanks, James

Hi @avatarlucas, walls are extended to an object as long as they are located right below that target object. If you move that object or the walls so they are not under it, the walls will unextend, but they should not disappear. If they disappear in your case, please share a file we can test and figure out what’s happening.

Besides exploding the walls, no.

Francesc, I think there should be a way to disconnect them from the original curve or extend point without having to explode them. Often curves and surfaces are cleaned up and if they are accidentally deleted, this can have an impact later without being realised. Perhaps it could be considered as a feature request

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Hi @avatarlucas that makes sense. We will consider this request for future versions.