Export as ai 45mm square incomes as 82 x 45 pshop

have 45mm square item, export as .ai
open in pshop CS6
says 82.2 x 45.16 72dpi.
whats going on ?
SR6 arch supports Rhino8.ai (1.5 MB)

How do I get this into Pshop as thin white lines to overlay over a scan of a print of it ?
firstly it opened square with thick lines, when it was on a layer line thickness default, , I then made lines 0.001mm then get this happen.



Can you open the file correctly in Adobe Illustrator?

I dont have adobe Illustrator.
I try affinity designer and get the same white rectangle nothing visible.

make a 45x45mm in Rhino5, export as ai, open and get 45X45 IN PSHOP…

45x45 rhino5.AI (2.0 KB)


You could also import an *.svg

I imported your *.ai into Rhino 8 and exported a 50 x 50 mm *.svg

I’m using GIMP because it is free and does most things PS does. Here’s how it looks in GIMP, imported as paths:

SR6 arch supports Rhino8.svg

Pshop says could not complete your request s its not the right kind of document.
thats when I open the .svg

Its CS6

If its ok from V5 and not from V8 whats happened in V8 ?


How To Open SVG Files In Photoshop – Brendan Williams Creative

To open an SVG file as a rasterized layer, go to File > Open and select your SVG file. Alternatively, you can open an SVG as a vector by creating a new document, going to File > Place Embedded or Place Linked, and selecting the desired SVG file