Evaluate Surface not working

Hi everyone,

I use Solid Difference to obtain the difference between two sets of Brep then I want to use Evaluate Surface and MD Slider to move points along the resulting surface. As I understand, if I use Evaluate Surface directly on the Solid Difference, one of the initial surfaces will be evaluated.

However, when I try to create new surfaces with Deconstruct Brep and Boundary Surface, the Evaluate Surface seems to be unable to move the point regardless of what I do in the MD Slider. Here, the point is not moving and keeps sticking to one corner of the surface.

Do you have any suggestions in this situation? My ultimate goal is to have point at (u,v) = (0.0,0.5) with the Evaluate Surface node.

Best regards

Try right-clicking the ‘S’ input on the Evaluate Surface component (or the ‘S’ output on the Boundary Surface component) and reparameterize it.

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Thanks for your reply. Indeed you solve the problem.
However now that I can manage the point with MD Slider, only half of the result has the desired result, and the other half is somehow inverted.

Do you have any ideas why is that?

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Surface direction perhaps? You can post a file with your surfaces internalized in order to take a look!


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Here’s a possible quickie assuming your surfaces are always planar rectangles with their Z direction(s) parallel to the Rhino plane Z vector::
srfdirection.gh (11.9 KB)
Use your boundary surfaces instead.

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it was actually the surface directions. I managed to solve the problem. Thank you very much!

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