Solid Difference not working

When I try to use the Solid Difference command, not all Breps are substracted.

Übung 1 Geometrie und (51.5 KB)

This looks like the same thing addressed a week ago? DUPLICATE THREAD!! :frowning:

No, it isnt the same thing, its a different problem. My problem now is that solid difference isnt working.

Skip first boolean ond focus on the other:

Could you send me the file please?

This is your very own file :slight_smile:

Load all your creation into B and flatten the input. Nothing else.

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You don’t understand it.

Did that last week but it apparently didn’t help.

Thank you very much, it worked!
Next time I’ll make sure not to create a duplicate thread, sorry for that. Also apologies for maybe not seeing the obvious, first time using grasshopper.

It appears that you have three duplicate spheres (“Untrimmed Surface”):

It’s very important to know what your data trees contain, and their structure, coming out of and going into components.