Error - The Path is not of a legal form

Trying to open a file I worked on a couple of months ago and I’m getting this message on the command line:

The path is not of a legal form

Hangs up and crashes at this point. I can import the file into a new Rhino file, but the camera’s I created don’t come with it. I’ve tried running in safe mode without plugins. Any ideas?

Version 6 SR13


Hello - try moving the file to your desktop and open it from there - any different? Can you post a screen shot of the error message box?


Hi Pascal,

Moving it to my desktop did work. Still can’t open it from the original file location even after a ‘save as’.

Here is the messages in the command line:

Hopefully the picture comes through…


Hi Benjamin - hmmm. Is that error message from Rhino’s command line? What is the path to the file that will not open? And, how are you getting there, from Rhino > File menu > Open and then navigate to the file?


Correct, I am opening through the file menu. I get the same result if I double click the file.

Path to the file looks like this: A:\12345C_Project\2-Site

Drive A is a 1TB solid state drive. It is a secondary drive, Windows and Rhino are installed on a primary 0.5TB SSD (C:).

hm - I wonder if ‘A’ is the problem - it was used, in ancient times, for the first floppy drive and was sort of reserved. What if you map that drive as say D?


I could try that, however, I have lots of Rhino projects on that drive that open just fine. I’ve had this problem before, but it only happens with files that have been sitting a while. For example, the last time I saved this file was on December 10, 2018. In the past I would just import the file into a new Rhino file, but in this case I needed some cameras that I had created.

Doing some spot checking, a file that I last saved on January 28, 2019 would not open, while another that I saved on February 24, 2019 would open.

Dragging the file to the desktop works, and I’m glad for it! Let me know if you have any other ideas of what may be causing this though.


Hi Benjamin,

Could you copy and paste the full paths here, including the file names and extensions, indicating which ones open fine and which ones don’t?

Also, what make and model is the SSD and what version of Windows?


Hi Jeremy,

Due to the nature of my work, I can’t paste the actual file names. Here is the an example using the same number of characters(only changes are “12345” and “Project” - conveniently the same number of letters):

A:\12345C_Project\2-Site\12345C - Site Drawing - WIP.3dm

Both SSDs are Samsung EVOs, and I’m on Windows 10.


Hi @baroyall,

What I was interested to see was whether there were any particular characteristics of the full path that was rejected that stand out as different from the ones that are accepted. Worth checking the Unicode characters if you can paste the paths (inc. file names and extensions) into a text editor with a hex mode in case there are non-visible differences.

As you seem to find files that are ok become problematic after time has elapsed I would look and see if there is any optional Samsung disk optimization or compression software running.

Have you looked at the file attributes and permissions to see if they are consistent between good and bad examples?

Can you change the drive letter from A: to something like S: and see what happens?


Hi Jeremy,

Hex data looked similar between a bad file and a good one. The drive is optimized daily. Same permissions and security properties between good and bad files. Changing the drive letter just made all my good files a nightmare because I use a lot of inserted blocks and bitmaps (changed it back to A).

Let me know if you can think of any other troubleshooting tips. Thanks for the help!
