Equal sized voxels between non rectangular surface

Hi there,

Im having challenges with designing an “uniforme” structure in between “trapezoid” shaped surfaces.
The challenge is that the structure is getting to dense in the shorter end of the trapezoid.

The technique I’m using is to subdivide surface and
ofsetted surface into quad mesh, and then voxelice between before filling each voxels with the shape for the structure.

So I’m looking for a better way to creating those voxels more uniformity sized

Mabey it could be better to in som way populate the surface with the voxels directly?
And if so could it then be posible to exstract a qadmesh from this.?

It is probably many ways to do this, and some better than others.
Im working with complex surfaces and some approaches will grow to much in file size to be usable for 3d-printing and production.

Some pictures to describe:
