Entering License into Zoo for Rhino 5

I am attempting to setup the network license software for Rhino and I am having an issue with the license or S/N provided from my client. The Zoo software wants a key code that starts with RH50 , however, the info I was provided was a copy of the back of the CD jacket which has a long serial number that does not fit. I have not worked with this software before and I am not familiar with their product workings or details.

Can anyone please let me know if I need to get a different key code from my client ?


You do. The client sent you the serial number, from which the license key is generated with a complex algorithm. Installers only accept license keys, not serial numbers. If the client has lost the license key, they should contact McNeel support directly, if the software was registered, the license can be verified and the key retrieved.

The license key was on a booklet inside the CD case.


Thank you, that;s what I thought.