Enhancement wish - Gumball+AutoCPlane with coplanar objects

If Gumball or AutoCplane is set to “Object”, if a number of coplanar same type objects are Window Selected, that the gumball and/or CPlane will align to the objects’ common plane.

Right now the behavior is inconsistent, and it depends on whether AutoCPlane is active or not. Try some tests in the file below:

If AutoCPlane is ON and set to “Object” but not “Sticky”:

If Gumball is set to Object, if you select one of the closed curves by mouse pick, it aligns and the “Cut” tool is present. If you then Shift+mouse pick select the other closed curve, the gumball moves to the bounding box center of the two curves, but it stays in the plane and the Cut tool is still there. This because the AutoCPlane stays oriented to the first curve selected even when a second one is selected.

However, if you window select both closed curves at once, the Gumball orientation defaults to World (even though it is set to Object) and the Cut tool is not available - because window selecting both closed curves (which are coplanar) does not re-orient the AutoCPlane.

Interesting is if you window or mouse pick select two or more of the 4 single lines (which if joined form a planar closed curve), the Gumball again defaults to World, but the Cut tool is available.

There are a bunch of other combinations possible, but the main point is:
Both AutoCPlane as well as Gumball (even without AutoCPlane active) should recognize when a set of coplanar objects are selected and orient to that plane. That is my wish…

CoPlanar1.3dm (2.2 MB)


Thanks for reporting this. Vanessa typed up the issue here. I think you’re right that the gumball and AutoCPlane needs to be smarter about how it orients itself to multiple selections. Even the gumball orientation on a single face of a polysurface leaves a lot to be desired unless it’s planar.

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