Hi guys
I am trying to understand whether it is technically possible to create a web wrapper for Rhino definitions running on a web server so I can for example move around a few sliders and see the grasshopper result and maybe then also export some values from the definition.
Right now I would think what one can do is write a definition and in Grasshopper implement sliders to change things - let’s say a parametric geometric object - and then extract some areas and volumes or other data points via panels and maybe compoentns which can write to file.
Is it possible to make this more accessible in a web app format somehow?
For two reasons:
I would not want someone to access my GH definition and also to make it more accessible and only in the level of complexity needed.
I was wondering if there’s a conceivable technological path for such a solution.
I guess the point is about making a GH definition running on a Rhino 8 core and encapsulating it as a web app that’s encrypted and secure for web users.
Is it possible?