Browser App: Calling many GH definitions VS calling a single


I’m making a browser app which runs about a dozen grasshopper definitions through Rhino.Compute. In most cases, the outputs of one definition serve as the inputs for subsequent definitions.

Initially I thought I would call one definition from the browser, take the result and inject it in the next definition to run. The thing is that I’m relying on the cashe for performances and I worry that calling definitions individually from the browser could prevent Rhino from realizing that two meshes are the same and so don’t need to be recomputed.

The alternative I have in mind is to call a single from the browser. The main would contain and link every definitions through hops. That way, all the caching would be done from a single grasshopper file (the and so I would hope that recognizing two identical meshes wouldn’t be a problem.

So here’s my question: does Rhino.Compute have difficulty knowing when 2 meshes are the same and if so, would storing each definition in a main gh solve that problem?