Hi everyone,
Moving forward we’ll consolidate all announcements about eleFront updates and bug fixes here, so they can be in one place. I would ask that any questions or discussion of possible bugs be kept in separate topics, so this thread can be a clear record.
eleFront 5.1.9-beta
This update includes a number of fixes. I’m designating it as a ‘beta’ to get feedback on some of the changes.
Bugs resolved in this version:
- Previous version did not maintain overrides for Text objects, such as Justification, Size, etc.
- Objects on locked Layers not deleted when baking
- In some instances, Baking to an external file did not maintain the objects’ attributes
Updates / Changes
- The
eleFront Layer
component has been changed. You can now also pass the component a list of separate strings, which will be automatically combined into a Full Path.
- When getting the name of the Layer as an output, you can choose whether you want the component names, or the Full Path. Hopefully these two changes to the Layer component will save some of the pain of splitting and rejoining strings.
Note! This Layer component is a new component. The previous one should be marked “Old”, and will be hidden in the full release.
- By default, the
eleFront Attributes
component removes the BakeName from objects, to reflect that a change has been made since it was baked. However, there are times where the user may want to maintain the BakeName, so that has been added as an option.
Should be up on the Package Manager in an hour or so. Be sure to have “Include pre-releases” checked.