For some reason, the value list is not working with reference by layer.
I manually copy and pasted layer name into panel and its referencing fine. Not sure what I am doing wrong.
Files attached.
Reference by Layer Bug.3dm (331.9 KB)
Reference by Layer (4.8 KB)
The issue is with how the list is created inside the drop down
If you double click it you will see that all the values are surrounded by double quotes.
Your last item already has a quote in the name, so this causes the normal operation to fail.
Either change the name of the layer by replace the double " with another symbol, or use another approach to have a dropdown list.
Here I changed the " to a ’ in the layer name and also using the Human plugin layer table and item selector as an alternative. (I forgot to change the value list option in the screenshot, but it does work with the symbol change)
So adding quotations in layer names throws off the operation I would assume?