Hello Elefront team!
Firstly, Thank you so much for working on Elefront. Truly could not imagine our workflows without it!
Thank you!
I have upgraded to 5+ and so far most everything has been a smooth transition with some very welcomed features and additions! I am having strange behavior with the “Reference By Layer” (RBL) component.
In Legacy Elefront, when I have “Disable auto update reference objects” unchecked, the node performs as I would expect, it remains dormant unless a change is detected in the Rhino doc and then it proceeds to push said change downstream. So if I have 5 points on a layer, RBL returns 5 points, when I then add a point to that layer, it immediately updates to return 6 points and then goes dormant again until a new change is detected.
In 5+ on the updated Reference By Layer node, when I have the same button unchecked, the node continually fires, regardless of whether or not a change was made in the Rhino doc. This means that any logic downstream of this node is constantly firing as well which, even on a very small definition, can lead to severe performance degradation and on larger definitions will freeze GH and Rhino completely as it’s always trying to catch up with the next/last iteration that was fired.
Is this expected behavior and I am using it incorrectly? Is there a setting I can change somewhere to have it perform like the legacy version?
I noticed that the new node wants the full layer path and the legacy node accepted any layer name OR the full path. Not sure if that is relevant to the behavior?
For now, I have all Elefront components upgraded to 5+ but am utilizing the legacy Reference By Layer node until I can figure out a solution.
The reference by layer is a HUGE part of the workflows I use and the ability for the node to detect changes without a manual refresh button is critical.
Thank you again for your awesome plugin and support!
Any help is greatly appreciated,