Consistent Problem with the "Reference by Layer" component in Elefront

There seems to be a problem with the Reference by Layer component in Elefront. Every time I use it and then add a new layer or modify an existing one, the component will not identify this new/modified layer. This happens every single time layers are added or existing layer names are modified regardless of the Rhino file/Grasshopper definition I am using, the component works just fine with layers that were there when the rhino file (or grasshopper file) is opened. This seems to be a problem for all versions as well.

Additionally, the error remains when re-opening the Rhino and grasshopper files. The only way for it to detect these new layers is by uninstalling & re-installing Elefront. Which is quite annoying.

Hi Alan, Can you provide the version of Rhino you are working as well as the version of Elefront?

When you say the component will not identify the new/modified layer, how are you querying?

In this case the ValueList will not autoupdate, you would need redrag the value list to repopulate with new layers.

I’m using Version 7 SR26
For Elefront I’m using both versions 5.1.2 and 4.2.2 as some components from either version don’t work in some cases.
This problem seems to be mainly happening once there is already a considerable amount of geometry in the files, I just tried making an example with just a few layers / geometries and everything works. I’ll upload an example once it happens again.

I’m calling the layers mainly with panels.


That does sound like a problem. Glad to hear it’s working in simple cases - when you come across the failure again, please do send it along and I will have a look. Sorry for taking a couple weeks to reply!

I confirm the same issue here, very unexpected behavior, sometimes I have to unhide the containing layer to happen, other times just refuses to work.

Is this repeatable enough that you could share an example? I can’t seem to recreate the issue, so it’s difficult to pinpoint the source of the problem.


Here is a video demonstration of the issue. It seems that sometimes, I need to unhide the layer and hide it again to refresh it. I’ll get to the bottom of this issue next week.

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Version 5.1.3 has been pushed to the Package Manager. It’s a little bit difficult for me to understand what’s going on under the hood, from the information here, since in my testing it seems to work.

But there were a couple changes in this latest version which may resolve the issues listed here. If they do keep cropping up, let me know.

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Hello @krahimzadeh
I had my initial test with 5.1.3 and it seems the issue has been resolved, I’ll keep you posted if anything happens again.

Thank You

Hey @krahimzadeh,
Thanks so much for fixing the issues.
I tried to install eleFront version 5.1.3, but in version 5.1.3 it seems the component IDs of eleFront v5 components and eleFront Rhino 6 Legacy v4.3 components are the same.
Is that intended?
I would still like to be able to use both versions of eleFront side by side, because some scripts still use the old components

Hi @JoostGevaert - that is certainly not intended, and the GUIDs are certainly different. It seems like the two plugins are getting confused at load time.

If you go to GrasshopperDeveloperSettings and make sure “Memory Load *GHA assemblies using COFF byte arrays” is checked,


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Thanks for the quick reply!
I’ll give that a try tomorrow and let you know :slight_smile:

Hi there, this bug seems to have found and bitten me. Seems fine on R7, but R8 doesn’t function at all. I’m using v5.1.5 and SR3. Is anyone else having this problem, and is there a solution? It was installed from the package manager, but gh askes me to install missing plugins (eleFront 0.1.0) when I open the definition. Any direction or help would be very much appreciated. Thanks!