Bug in Elefront 5.3 (and all previous versions of Elefront 5)

I have found that Ref By Layer is extremely slow compared to Elefront 4 or compared to a simple lookup in the objectstable.
I have a big file (350MB) with many block definitions and here Elefront 5 takes seconds and Elefront 4 a fraction to get the referenced geometry.

Hi - thanks for the heads up, I’ll look into it. Can I also check that this is true even when the geometry preview is turned off?

Also, do you see the same problem when using other Reference components, or only Reference by Layer?

If you don’t mind sharing your model (privately via DM is fine!) that would also be helpful, but understand if it’s sensitive.

Hi Keyan,

I unfortunately am not in a position where I can share the model (client’s work).
But I tried the Elefront Legacy ref by layer and that one works perfectly. Preview off on both.