Just updated to 8.16 [Mac]
and it is now not possible to edit a layer’s name: the old name is selected and any keystroke delete the old name ! so one has to write the whole thing again [and remember what it was] in order to change just one syllable …
It also has a new icon balloon that does’t seems to do anything…
No change… Perhaps it is related to the recent MacOS update…? But i’m not seeing the issue in other places, only Rhino, and only [as far as i can recall] since the 8.16 update.
Edit: I checked also with switching to the default window layout, but the problem persist.
BTY i’m not seeing anymore that curious “nuclear style” ballon … any idea what was that? [perhaps something related to the “so called” Apple Intelligence thing?
Can you turn that ‘intelligence thing’ off and see if the issue persists?
To make sure: you click that text, to select it, click it the second time so it highlights, and on the third click it stays fully highlighted?
I turned it off, [not that i ever used it, it just came on a MacOS update.]
Switching off made no difference to the layer name edit problem. [I did a system restart after]
No, first click [on the layer name] selects the layer. But the second click already fully highlights the text, there is no option to highlight the text box [as in normal name editing]
Again, things were always ok in this regard, I only noticed the issue right after the 8.16 update.
But I haven’t used Rhino much during 8.15, so can’t be sure if it started during 8.15 or just the other day after 8.16…
Like in Rhino 7 here it requires three clicks. One to select the layer entry in the dialog, the second to enter edit, the third to unselect everything so you can input text without overwriting the selection made on the second click while entering edit.
Hi Nathan.
I know how to edit layer names in Rhino… I post here because it is currently broken here.
Second click is selecting all text [only] and no matter how many additional clicks. it remains selected [so any keystroke deletes the whole name.]
Right click to rename via the manu bring the same bug [impossible to edit the name text ]
I test on M2 Max running MacOS 15.1.1 using a couple of different builds (8.16.25016.17002, 8.16.25013.22002). I am able to edit layer names without problem. I don’t have Bella, nor RadialMenu nor FJ_FreeJewelsToolbar.
It could be the the update to 15.2, but that is mere speculation from my side.
I did tested with all the 3rd party plugin disabled . it didn’t help.
The problem may have started after the 15.2 MacOS update, not Rhino 8.16… they came around the same week so i’m not sure.
But! I’m not seeing this name editing problem in other places on my Mac [like other apps or the system itself]
The problem seems to be only in Rhino.
Edit: Just checked in The WIP [R9] and editing layers name is working fine over there.
So the problem is only in in 8.16
Thanks a lot @wim@Gijs@nathanletwory
After testing with 8.15 and 9 WIP.
It looks like the problem only occur when the Layer panel is floating .
I’m having the most used panels open [permanently] on the 2nd screen while keeping the MBP screen uncluttered for viewports.
[while having these floating panels also in the side bar [ usually sidebars are closed ]
Even if i delete the “duplicate” layer panel from the sidebar, the floating layer panel still won’t allow for name editing!.
Can this “bug” be reproduced by you guys?
I only very recently came back to the use of floating panels, [I think it was too bugged out when R8 was young to on Mac]
Yes same editing issue in all rhino versions
Tested in 8.13 8.14 8.15 8.16 and 9WIP.
Then problem may perhaps be in my shared settings somewhere…
I’m very reluctant to try a full factory reset! as this in the past has always led to things being lost and messed up.
is there a “bullet proof” way to save and restore ALL settings?
Custom Tools, Macros, Aliases, colours, plugins, hotkeys, 3Dconnexion settings…