In Rhino 7 I was able to rename a layer simply by double clicking the layer name in the layer list, now in 8 I cant seem to get the cursor focus away from the command input. Even if I select the Layer rename in the dropdown menu I can’t get the cursor focus to edit the name, What am I doing wrong? This is on Mac OS 13.3.1 .
Hi Colin - as far as I can see this works as expected in 8.6 here, but that is on Mac OS 14.2.1. I’ll see if I can find someone running 13.
@colinpartridge - does it get any better if you re-boot the machine? We cannot reproduce that problem here
i think the main confusion is that in v8 it does not work with double clicking anymore, double click now activates the layer, so the focus naturally stays on the command entry. that was a frowned upon move to some and the wish for an option still stands. to rename now you have to select the layer then wait a second then click again. or you hit enter additionally that will instantly let you rename the selected layer.
Ahh OK, now I know that, it all makes sense. Thanks encephalon.
Mac OS 14.3.1
Rhino 8.7.24101.10002
Please note that renaming a layer does not work as described when the Layers panel is undocked from the main application window. I use layers on a second monitor. If the Layers panel is floating, renaming seems to require three clicks:
Click 1 - select/highlight the layer
Click 2 - changes to renaming mode for the layer. (keyboard focus remains with the Command input)
Click 3 - change the keyboard focus to the layer to receive keyboard input
Furthermore, if the Layers panel is floating, clicking on a layer name and pressing the enter key will not rename a layer. The key press is captured by the Command input.
I appreciate the work the Rhino Team has done to create and improve the software. Renaming layers in a floating panel is the only remaining workflow inconvenience that I have experienced after migrating from version 7. I am very impressed with Rhino3d 8.
Hi @srix,
Thanks for reporting. I can repeat this. I’ll open an issue.
– Dale
Hi Dale,
Thank you and the Rhino Team for addressing this issue! With the update to version 8.8, layer renaming in an undocked panel works flawlessly.
I love Rhino 8 - Version 8 (8.7.24138.15432, 2024-05-17) (Mac). But when I add a new layer, it sometimes (not always) prevents me from changing the name or selecting the layer in a floating menu. I know double-clicking no longer works, but can triple-click SOMEtimes. When I right-click nothing happens. Just get stuck. I have to quit the program and restart the file before it works. Is this fixable?
Thanks for your help!
@William_Freer1 - this issue is fixed in the Rhino 8.8 Release Candidate.
– Dale
Thank you.
Rhino 8.8.8 Mac OS 13.6.7
This is definitely not working for me.
There are two issues. First - occasionally able to edit layer name using instructions above but mostly nothing. Maybe I have to reboot?
Secondly when I am able to select the text in the layer name I can’t just change a few letters or a number - the whole name disappears and I have to type the whole name from scratch.
I can confirm that a Rhino restart fixes the first problem above temporarily but not the second.
hi @tgra I managed to reproduce both issues you are seeing.
Still digging to see how I can reliably reproduce the first.
As for the second issue, to deselect the test you are editing, clicking doesn’t seem to work, but for now a workaround is to use the left or right arrow keys on the keyboard.
Gijs, I think you will find these issues are intermittent as are a number of other issues I’m having including user interface which I have just posted about on another thread.
@tgra I managed to reproduce reliably:
RH-82550 Layer manager floating: cannot deselect text
RH-82551 Escaping closes layer manager and blocks layer
Let me know if you see other unexpected behavior
I am also encountering layer renaming bugs in Version 8 (8.16.25021.13002, 2025-01-21) for Mac, Apple silicon