When I edit ‘Embedded & Linked’ blocks, who’s layers are sublayers in the host-doc, they are duplicated after editing:
The E&L block’s layers are sublayers in my 3dm document;
The E&L block is a 3dm file
RH (7.18.22124.3001, 2022-05-04)
Dbl-click blk to edit, open in another instance, edit, save and close
When returning to host file, there are now duplicated layers–those nested w/in a local layer, and the “updated” E&L’s layers; these are technically the same layers, now duplicated.
RH does not recognize E&L block layers when located in a layer hierarchy.
It does seem possible to purge the now-duplicated layers, (this has not been the case w/ linked-referenced blocks w/o a restart in my experience). Layers that were duplicated but have a block within them (in the E&L file) are not able to be purged.