Edit Point on not working for section mark (visualArq 2/Rhino 5)


I am not sure if I am doing it correctly or it’s a bug. I am trying to edit the section mark “curve/polyline”. In the video I can just select the section mark curve and click on the edit points on to enable to point editing on the curve. If I select the curve and click on the edit point on it keep asking for the curve for edit point display and nothing happen… am I doing something wrong here? I had to redo a fresh new section curve to change my section. Please advice.

Thanks in advance

@Ozzieguy The process of enabling the control points on a section line is the same as any other 2D curve. No matter if you select it before or after running the PointsOn command. Is that section mark locked or in a locked layer? If problem persists, please send the model to visualarq@asuni.com so we can check of there is anything wrong.