DWG Export ProjectToCplane issue

Version: WIP(8.0.23010.12305, 2023-01-10)
Issue: Blocks do not project to CPlane

Details: The Rhino model I’m working with contains only lines and text. I select all objects on a layer and export them to DWG to be used as backgrounds for AutoCAD drawings. Many of the objects are not flattened to Z=0, but it is possible to do this while exporting.
When exporting to DWG, If ProjectToCplane option is used in the export settings, Blocks are not projected. There was an update to the WIP that I thought should have fixed this [RH-68676] but doesn’t work when exporting.

Can you please post a simple example file and instructions to follow so we can reproduce the problem?


Example File:
08 Deck.3dm (5.0 MB)

Export Settings:
ExportDWGflat.ini (978 Bytes)


  • Open 08 Deck.3dm (attached) with Rhino 8 WIP
  • Select all objects
  • Command: Export
  • Select Autocad DWG filetype
  • Use ExportDWGflat.ini export settings file (attached)
  • Open exported DWG file and notice that all lines are flattened, but blocks are still z=40’-0"

You can also confirm that ProjectToCplane does work on blocks in the original 3dm file. You can also use SetPt and change only Z to 0, which will also work on the blocks.

Hi Jake -

Thanks for reporting - I’ve put this on the list as RH-72614 File IO: Export DWG - Project blocks to CPlane

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