DraftAngleAnalysis and transparency in Rhino7 not working

Dear McNeel,

Just installed the new release of Rhino, very nice.

At the moment, transparency of the colors created by the command _draftangleanalysis on a patch surface are not working. This is an issue that i had & reported one time before in Rhino6, see this tread: DraftAngleAnalysis and transparency in Rhino6 not working - #12 by jeff & https://mcneel.myjetbrains.com/youtrack/issue/RH-44285

It seems that this issue is back again, hopefully it can be fixed.
Other analysis commands like _curvatureanalysis works as it should be.

I hope that the fix will not take as much time like the last time, thanks.

Hi Daan - I see that, thanks.

RH-62593 DraftAngleAnalysis: respect the material transparency


In the newest build, the transparency is fixed now.