I have an issue with the Download Export feature for my model both in Shapediver and Rhino+GH.
I have 5 different download buttons with different settings.
When first loading the model, I can click through all 5 and I get the 5 files as requested.
Once I modify some parameters, some or all of the download options stop working and when pressed sort of freeze and nothing happens, with no error message appearing.
Additionally, the bug appears also in Rhino+GH. When first calculating the GH script, I can do local export for all 5. Once I modify parameters, I try export local again. It opens to let me chose save location. I click ok, but the file is not saved. However, if I do it again, then it will save the file correctly.
The disadvantage on Shapediver is that I can not immediately click download again as it is blocked in the loop. It appears to take 5minutes for the spinning circle to stop spinning before I can click again. However it does not work again after the 5min have elapsed.
Correction: After 5 minutes I get this pop-up:
Using the following:
Windows 11
Rhino Version 8 SR14
(8.14.24345.15001, 2024-12-10)
Shapediver v1.22.0
Using rhino 8 backend on the platform: sdr8euc1 (Rhino 8, shared Geometry Backend)
What’s interesting is the fact that the export fails in Rhino without anything happening. But then works again. I wonder if there is something specifically buggy in the “Download Export” component. I am feeding in data trees with controlled numbering, but since it works on the first attempt, I guess data trees are ok?
Thanks for your help!
Shapdiver user: dragos@mule.studio