Done something to break subD in R8

Made it in Blender and it’s 0 subd levels, 2 and 3 subd levels (from Blender).
Usually I would just export as OBJ and import and then use ToSubD. I haven’t done this since R7 a couple of years ago now but now it isn’t acting as it should - when I move a face it is pulling the entire subD body and not just the face.
What have I done to cause this to behave strangely?

Newly created subD primitives in the same file work as they should. Only the imported geometry behaves weird.

→ disable !

Well that’s what I thought it was but turning it off wouldn’t work. How does soft transform work? Is it by object or universally on or off? Like I said, if I make new subd geometry in the same file it isn’t affected. If I select those subd and right click the softtransform icon to disable it it didn’t work. It seems to be glitched to stay on on those pieces of geometry but not new ones created.

Hi @vanastarr
Did you try some of the different import flavors when you import the .obj file? Perhaps it’s a setting when you imported the file? I think there are a few options perhaps one of them is enabling this behavior? Maybe a cut and paste into another open instance of Rhino might soothe the behavior back to normal.

Do you have soft move on or soft transform on? Type them at the command line and choose no. But I don’t think you do since other subds are not effected in your file. These are commands that produce modeling similar to your example that are in Rhino V7, sorry don’t have V8.

Ok, it was soft transform, I managed to turn it off by typing the command in.
It was still definitely a glitch - if soft transform was on then all subDs should act that way right?
If I right click the soft transfrorm icon it is supposed to disable it (toggle means toggle on/off I assume)? This didn’t work.

Hi @vanastarr
“It was still definitely a glitch - if soft transform was on then all subDs should act that way right?”

Yes sounds like a bug or they made changes to the behavior for V8. In V7 soft transform effects all subds, meshes when set to yes. I don’t see a toggle option in V7 so McNeel may have changed the behavior.