When I used AutoCAD 2000 and dinosaurs still roamed the earth, there was a “stretch” command. It was for 2D.
After spending countless hours doing this model for doing toolpaths , I stupidly had one area off in the initial layout of curves and now it’s biting me. I need to stretch the circled area, such that the planar surface at the bottom gets stretched, and the neck shaft area gets shrunken, and the transtional area is left alone.I thought of scale in Gumball, but I need the red baseline in Y to stay where it is.
One big gotcha is that the edges of the model are tapered along Y. I would not want to go back to moving a zillion curves around, or starting all over - wah!
I tried the stretch, but it ends up making the entire model longer. I want to maintain the overall length, but “shift” the transition area (circled in red) about .593" in the +Y direction. Maybe my start and end are wrong??
I’m still not fully understanding the parameters. There might be some degrees of freedom remaining idk.
This model could probably be setup parametrically, and you could put the “transitional area” wherever you want – depending on what you mean by ‘stretch’, ‘shrink’, and ‘left alone’.