Docking panels

I just upgraded my monitor setup. I had 3 monitors, one 21:9 main monitor and two 16:9 side monitors. I had my main Rhino viewports on the main monitor and the Layers, Properties, Materials panels arranged on the side monitors.

I have replaced those three monitors with one 32:9 ultrawide, and I want to dock those panels to the right side of the window now, but I can’t figure out HOW. I don’t want the panels floating over my workspace. I have found an option to “lock docked windows” but no way to actually DOCK a panel/window. Dragging to the edge or top or bottom does nothing special. How do I dock these panels?

Hi Keith -

You can’t.
You can only dock panels on the inside of the Rhino UI.

Yes, that is what I am asking. I want them IN the Rhino window, on the right side of my view ports, not floating in their own window.