Divide Surface (Closed Curve) into Equal area into 3x3 Grid

Closed Crv.3dm (28.6 KB)

I have identified a specific piece of land for research purposes and would like to divide it into a 3x3 grid of equal areas. However, the shape of the land is irregular, making it difficult to achieve equal areas manually.

I attempted to use Galapagos for this task, but it didn’t work as expected. If anyone could assist me in achieving this or guide me through the process, I would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you!

welcome to this forum. Your question is quite clear but did you already search in the examples given here ? There are many examples.
For example you can search using google and these keywords

You will see that there are an infinity of solutions.
When you say 3x3 grid I think you can first divide the horizontal in 3 equal parts, then divide each part vertical in 3.

thank you for reply,
I checked all the informations above.
And I tried but I am having difficulty on implying on 3x3 grid.

or you didn’t really search or what you are after is not clear. Here what I did reusing an example given on the forum

BUT if you want just 4 lines (2 parallel), I think it is impossible.

This link could also be interesting

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