Displayed line width

Can someone remind me how to set the displayed line width? I always forget.



Hello - PrintDisplay I think is what you are looking for.


thank you,


I was wondering if you can display line width in your viewport without having to execute this command each time ?


In V8, yes.


Can you tell me please how ? Also any documentation on it ?


As of V8, linetypes have print widths associated with them and display on-screen permanently.

  • In Document Properties > Linetypes, create or copy a linetype and assign a print width
  • The print width can either be in pixels or in real-world units
  • Assign the linetype to the object(s) you want
  • Set this way, the print width display will be always-on

You can add the linetypes with print widths you use often to your document templates so that the above will not need to be done for every new document.



This is exactly what I setted up, but still the linewitdh isn’t displaying… Any idea of what I might be missing ?


thanks :slight_smile:

Dunno, what does your line type definition look like? Can you post an example file with what is not working?

Ahh I found what I was missing.

Linewitdh_CCv1.3dm (52.0 KB)


I only see one layer in that file that has a linetype other than continuous, that has Hidden as a linetype and it is the standard - one pixel width.

Your line is also 4000+ mm long. If you set the print width in mm units, when you are zoomed out you won’t see much. If the print width is set in pixels you should see the width. Linetype length units are always real-world dimensions. As the dashes are only 2mm long, zoomed out in either case you won’t see much “dashing”.

This is what it looks like when I set it to10px width, zoomed extents

10px zoomed way in:

If you choose to set it in real-world units instead -

1mm zoomed in:

1mm zoomed extents:

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One thing @Helvetosaur,

If I understand correctly the behavior: once I set all my different linetypes propriety to “width unit : document units” insteand of “width unit : pixel”, the line width is now attributed to the default value of 1.00 instead of being attributed by the layer printwidth ?! See the example.

If I’m correct, is there a way to keep the layer assigning the width and at the same time the width units to the document ? So in this way the layer control de line witdh and the Width units (document) control the segment spacing.

Maybe Linetype scale would be the way to go, but there is no way to assign a linetypescale to a layer,

In the end what I’m trying to do is to display on screen excatly what I would obtain when I will pdf-print.

Many thanks,

The segment spacing is not affected by/controlled by the width units. It is only controlled by the pattern numbers - multiplied by the linetype scale factor. So you need to assign the specific linetype to the layer to have the pattern for all objects on that layer. If you need the same segment pattern but at a different scale, you will need to make a copy of the linetype with a different scale factor.