Display Performance and Markups

Hi @mkarimi

Performance on M4 11":
I made some test with detailed architectural geometry and the performance is just awesome. With more than 50.000 objects I still get up to 18 fps on TestMaxSpeed in rendered mode. Manual navigation is even faster and absolutely smooth and flawless. :slight_smile:

Feedback on Markups:
Unfortunately the navigation slows down to a crawl if I add a single Markup - even if it is not visible.

The inline processing of sketched Markups in big scenes cause delays where no input is being recorded. This makes natural handwriting and quick sketches impossible.

The slider to adjust the line thickness of the markup should be progressive: 1 to 10 pixel may use at least half of the slider range.

The Markup button in the command line is too dominant for my usage and taste. A standard macro button would be sufficient. Make it undeletable if you want :wink:

The Markup List should be a part of the Main Menu. Right now I have to tab the Main Menu Button twice and then on Layers to switch from Markups to the Layer panel.

I’d prefer to delete Markups by left swipe like it is with Layers. The long press is also Ok, however the behavior should be consistent.

The Markups change colors in Rendered mode. I think the colors should always appear like defined at creation. (Custom Display Mode does not seem to work)

Opening a file with Markups on Windows brings up a “Missing Fonts” warning.
Showing the Markups via Snapshots triggers warnings about “Unsaved Model State”.
And a few more minor issues, but enough for now.

In general I think this is a great development which has a lot of potential. Especially if it were a connection to the Notes app :wink:

If you have any questions I’ll try to explain more or take some pics/videos.

Best regards,

There’s a lot here to unpack, thanks for the feedback. I’d like to start with this:

Do you mean it’s slow while marking up or once markup is saved and is hidden navigation becomes slow? Can you share a file that shows this problem? Feel free to send it via Rhino Accounts

Yes, if I delete the markup then navigation is fast again.
Send you a link to a video which demonstrates that.
It is repeatable with any heavy scene.

Also you can see the processing of sketch input:
After writing Mark as a single line half of the up is missing.

I can see the issue, logged here:
RV-1316 Navigation slow in model with markup

Logged here: RV-1317 Markup: auto smoothing not good

Logged: RV-1318 Markup: progressive thickness slider

Getting a UI that works for everyone is difficult, “markup” is the second most used feature of the app after “open” and I think giving it some prominence works for most users.

Eventually we can allow more customization of the UI based on different use cases but for now I’d like to avoid those.

FWIW, you can move the markup/command/select widget to the top right corner if you prefer. Long press and choose “Top Right”

Logged here: RV-1319 Markup: color changes in rendered mode

Logged: RV-1320 Markup: issues opening on Windows

Can you explain what you mean by “connection to the Notes app” ?

This is now fixed in the latest Testflight release. 9.0.24346 (10.3.1)
The fix should make it’s way to the Appstore release soon as well

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Well, I’m experimenting with the Notes app and I like it. All my handwritings become searchable text and with a little bit of intelligence there is lot of potential. The current markups in the files are nice to have but once the projects become bigger you’ll have to manage comments, updates and reviews cycles over years.

Here for example the markups on an architectural project. The shown section is less than 5% of the entire building. The comments are represented by dots in separate files which are linked to a database accessed and managed via Excel:

Pretty old school :wink: Today this may look a bit different, the “connection to the Notes” was just a metaphor. I love the sketch command, especially on geometry, but I wonder if it would be possible to use this for comments with more context and interactive collaboration: Handwriting recognition | Apple Developer Documentation ?

Edit: I mean creating a note on top of the view, save it in Notes with the view and the history state of the file. Then check the updates of the file in the timeline. Just some brainstorming…

We can certainly detect handwriting, but in my experience it becomes annoying when I’m trying to draw a circle and auto detection converts it to letter “O”.
Have you tried using the text mode in markup? It’ll show you a panel that you can either type in with a keyboard or use pencil to scribble.

Searching is an interesting idea. Logged it here RV-1322

I’d like to talk about this more

That’s an interesting idea, I haven’t researched interfacing with the Notes app. Let me see if I find anything useful