Dimension Shift With Detail Window Activation/Deactivation

@eugen, @djhg this error happens when using the osnap Int on blocks in page layouts. It’s a Rhino bug, since it also happens when VisualARQ is not loaded.

I’ve added an issue on YouTrack reporting it: https://mcneel.myjetbrains.com/youtrack/issue/RH-65652


Thanks Francesc.

RH-65652 is fixed in Rhino 8 Service Release 18 Release Candidate

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This could be an awesome fix!

Tested it out, it looks like it can retain the history on objects and blocks, but loses the history on visualarq objects.

I’ve attached a test tile with a bunch of boxes, planes, and visualarq objects. The dimensions in the upper right hand corner go wild when I active the view or edit the dimension text on the visualarq objects, but stay connected to the simple geometry and the palm tree block.
Leaders don’t seem to retain the connection to blocks or elements, so that may still be a rhino issue.

I’ve also included some similar objects in the lower left hand corner for you to test out and see if you get the same results.

250312_DimensionHistory.3dm (5.7 MB)