I am trying to import a DWG from a client of mine, to Rhino6 and the file just results in what looks like a glitch of some kind and all of the information is lost. The only programs I currently have are the adobe suite and rhino6, as I’m a recent grad working solo. How am I suppose to know if it is an issue on my end, or if the client has sent me over a corrupted or outdated file? Is this a common issue?
Can you post it or send it to tech support?
Most of us have AutoCAD installed too so we can test the veracity of the file with the “mother” application.
Loading Rhino Render, version 1.50, Jan 28 2020, 13:51:45
Command: _Import
Opened AutoCAD file version AutoCAD 2013.
Image file not found: “Bitmap3662462688-1.png”
Image file not found: “Bitmap3662462688.png”
Model space objects read: 635, skipped: 38
Paper space objects read: 0, skipped: 0
Block definition objects read: 3406, skipped: 1
XRef objects read: 0, skipped: 0
Successfully read file “C:\Users\16083\Downloads\1928-00-PD-2021 Winnebago St Plan.dwg”
above is what it said, I could send it to tech support but I don’t necessarily feel comfortable posting it on the open forum. how do I go about doing that?
Hello - and, you get nothing at all in the Rhino file? Zoom Extents does not find anything?
Can you export the relevant objects to a new file, verify the problem still happens, and send us that, to tech@mcneel.com? If it only happens with the full file, send us that if you can - please include a link to this topic. If the file is very large, please SaveSmall, Zip and upload to www.rhino3d.com/upload.
The file is a mess.
AutoCAD 2018 complains that an Autodesk product did not create it.
It also complains about missing an external reference file.
The file has objects splattered over a very large coordinate range. Clearly some of the objects are in the wrong location.
There is a Layout in the file that has some visible information.
It shows up in AutoCAD 2018 and in Rhino.
Open it in Rhino and choose “Inches” for units.
After opening it, switch to the “A000” Layout.
Then in Options > Annotations, uncheck the option Enabling layout space scaling.
At least then you see all there is to see, and it’s not much.
If you run SelBadObjects in Rhino, there is a bad block instance that seems to be the title block.