Design honeycomb structure

I want to solid some of the hollow parts. My design is to materialization the structure passing through the trajectories.

Hi @shuxin

You should be way more explicit, when explaining what you try to achieve and at least provide a grasshopper file for the community to look at.

Check this out this!

That said, could this be, what you’re looking for?

It’ all done with vanilla grasshopper components (no plugins required).

Dear my friend
I want to build the honeycomb structure, but I need to materialization some of the hollow parts. You see, one is to materialization the structure passing through the trajection; the other is to randomly materlization some of the hollow structure.

Dear my friend
I want to build the honeycomb structure, but I need to materialization some of the hollow parts. You see, one is to materialization the structure passing through the trajection; the other is to randomly materlization some of the hollow structure.

Have a look at the attachment.

Honeycomb (19.4 KB)

Dear Kim
Thank you for your help.
But my honeycomb structure has dimensions. Please see the attached figure.

You should draw your custom hexagrid by yourself…

Dear friends
I don’t know the meaning of this icon, ask for help.5

You are right. But the honeycomb structure I need now is the hexagonal Honycomb with thickness. In order to have thickness, the way I think of is to scale.

Curve / Curve (CCX)
Solve intersection events for two curves.

Dear friends
Thank you for your help.
But my honeycomb structure comes from hexagonal, so it only needs one thickness in the later modeling.4 7

Hello @shuxin,

This approach should solve your problem! It allows you to control the uniform thickness of the hexagrid structure with a parameter t, as shown by your diagram above. The result are trimmed surfaces.

I’ve simply extended @HS_Kim’s elaborate script. You can check it out below: (20.1 KB)

I understand your desires, but what you want is contradictory. If the whole hexa grid is integrated with some thickness, how do you choose the part(random or curve closest cells) that you want?
The way you can choose cells has already been presented to you.

1 Like

Dear friend
My idea is that we use the scale tools to get the thickness of hexagonal meshes and then randomly materialize the hollow structure. Do you think it is possible?

There is a difficult in the whole hexa grid is integrated with some thickness and how do you choose the part. But my idea is that we use the scale tools to get the thickness of hexagonal meshes and then randomly materialize the hollow structure. Do you think it is possible?

Didn’t I post just that above?

Controlling the “thickness” of the hexa cells, as shown in diagram, is covered by my file above. Random selection or selection by attractor has also already been covered!

I’d recommend that you take an in-depth look at all the solutions that @HS_Kim and I already kindly provided. By studying them, you should be able to become more knowledgable about Grasshopper and thus come up with custom solutions to your problems.

Frankly, as already stated by David Rutten here and as I understand, these forums are meant to help people, but they aren’t a request concert, meaning that this isn’t a do-my-work-for-me group.

Also, for me, a friend is a person that I know well and regard with liking and affection, a person that I know and trust. Just saying!


Sorry to get my nose in here guys, but could it be, just possibly (maybe?) that what @shuxin wants (though never depicted in his reference images) is this ‘random materialization’ ??? :laughing: (39.4 KB) - honestly I have no clue, just wanted to participate.

‘watching’ this post has provided much entertainment (rapid apology) - I feel bad @diff-arch and @HS_Kim have worked so hard to help you @shuxin yet you aren’t pleased yet.

And here’s another random materialization …because why not? OK back to work

I call my friends, it is just a courtesy, and I hope that this forum can become friends.
Thank you very much for this forum and thank you for helping my friends. I didn’t always ask, just too anxious.

I am not happy, this is where I start. I have been very grateful to the people who helped me on the forum. I am not upset, I am very wronged.