Deleting similar curves on a surface

Hi everyone,
I am currently trying to plot some curves on a surface. I obtained a series of curves, but some of them are too similar and I need to eliminate them.

I tried following this topic: How to subtract similar curve in three-dimensional space?, but i didn’t succed.
Do you have any suggestions on how to proceed? I’m also open to try to create a GHPython component… any sort of help will be really appreciated!
I’m attaching the sample file. (2.3 MB)

Thank you in advance if you will read this.

I use my little tool for that, just take care to put a good distance. If too low it will be long, you’ll have to kill rhino3d! it could be good I make it escapable !

If you don’t join curves (2.3 MB)

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Thank you very much for your help!
Your tool is very useful, but I noticed that it deletes part of the curves that I still need for my model. It would be better if it could just delete the similar curves, not the overlapping parts as well!