Deconstruct + reconstruct Mesh

Short question:
How do I deconstruct and reconstruct a mesh?
Even if I remove just 1 point, the result is wrong.

I have tried delaunay mesh, mesh from points, contoursplit combined with loft (works a bit, but is slow and inaccurate), cull duplicate points, sort points, cockroach (to make believe it is a pointcloud), etc. (552.5 KB)

There’s a Construct Mesh component you can use after deconstructing it.

However, are you trying to cull vertices and then get your mesh back looking normal (like what it was before but with the points culled)? I ask because you could use CullV or CullF depending on whether you wish to remove vertices or faces - for any of these you need a cull pattern (booleans) not indices.

What should your end result look like?

Is your image showing us something you want or are you showing us what you don’t want?

This is a silly example, but for instance you can compare coordinate values (from mesh vertices) to generate such pattern: (554.9 KB)

Not sure I’m actually helping :sweat_smile:

Thanks for replying. Cull Vertices might work if I want to delete vertices. But there doesn’t seem to be a ‘Add Vertices’-command. So it helps, but is only a part of the solution.
‘Construct Mesh’ (ConMesh) would need more knowledge of faces then I’m capable off right now.

Your answer also helps me to formulate the question better: Is there a way to organise the points so that the delaunay mesh works? Or is there another way to add vertices to a mesh?

The end-result should be a shell like-shape, which I will populate with points to make a bunch of shortest walks with a radius that will look like veins, make a shell out of that, thicken the whole thing to about 4mm and 3D-print in a large 3D-printer to a size of ca. 400x400x700mm.
I have done things like this before in gh (see picture of a much smaller 3D-print, but now i need more control.

vaas klein

In your gh-file all the points after the ‘Cull Index’ have a different index-number, so if you search for equals, you are really splitting the list of vertices in lists before and after the removed vertex (change the 33 to f.i. 500 to see the difference).

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that’s only because I didn’t have a clue on what you wanted to achieve :slight_smile:

…subdivide the mesh?

I bet there is - organize how, though? Like a convex hull so you ‘wrap’ the current object? or like a shrinkwrap? Organize points by Z so they’re sorted vertically?

LoL sorry I know I’m not helping - but don’t worry, smarter people are seeing this :wink:

most of the type Dendro or ShrinkWrap or Wrap are the best method to make a solid from these shapes. (554.5 KB)


It will take a while to study all the wonderfull possibilities.
This looks great, thanks Laurent Delrieu!

@ René Corella: Organize points vertically: I tried that, but it didn’t work. Shrinkwrap not fully explored yet, but I think Laurent Delrieu’s solution will solve it for me. Thank you too.

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