Box Mapping for each individual object?


I am having trouble getting an accurate texture for stacked objects when applying Box Mapping. The texture seems to be applied according to the XYZ position of my object. So if I have them stacked, it looks like one big objects instead of many stacked. How can I force box mapping to apply the full texture to each side of the object, or at least, be able to vary it from object to object?

Notice how the texture continues from object to object. I don’t want that. If there were no edges, the pieces would be indistinguishable.

You are using WCS, World Coordinate System, mapping. In Rhino 7 you can add an OCS, Object Coordinate System, frame to manage objects with materials that have WCS or WCS Box mapped textures.

Select your object, go to texture mapping panel under object properties. Add an OCS frame. Enable the mapping widget and adjust.

This feature will not be backported to Rhino 6


Hi Nathan, thanks will try in Rhino 7. Just out of curiosity what would be the best way to deal with this in Rhino 6? Manually change the position of the texture for each piece? Or does other renderers like Vray offer more options when it comes to textures?

For v6 you’d probably best use box mapping through texture mapping panel, and ensure the textures in your material use mapping channel 1. Also set their repeat to 1. It is pretty much similar idea to WCS/OCS, except you’ll be using the box map widget.

Bear with me Nathan, I am trying to learn, I know I can use Rhino 7 instead.

I think the first time I did just what you described on your second reply.

I still get continuation.

Tried manually changing some inputs like rotation an this seems more like it. Not sure if changing rotation is the best way. Very tedious if you have many objects.

test.3dm (394.5 KB)


This is how I’d do this in Rhino 6 using the Unwrap command to give each box a custom UV layout. Then nudge each set a bit in the UVeditor and you’ll get the variation. I also used edge softening to make them look separate and at the end of the video show how you can scale just some of the face UVs to create a plywood type of look with this texture. Don’t forget to Apply the changes to the UV editor to close the editor and save the changes.

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Thank you!

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