June 7, 2018, 3:08pm
Just taking a guess here, are you using the Mac version of Grasshopper? There’s a sneaky bug that causes multi list panels to behave in that manner, check out these other posts:
Hi @dan there are some bugs to consider please.
1.Data conversion failed from Text to Number
Most old definitions with panels doesn’t work, creating random nulls
MAC [05%20PM]
2.Copy panels
When you copy panels, data conversion failed from Text to Number
3. Wires when select a component
When select a component the wires change( inputs and some outputs) and segmentation in data tree wires doesn’t look as dash pattern.
4. ZOOM i…
Ran into the panel-newline problem again earlier today, and dug at it a little instead of just applying the quick fix- so it turns out that copying and pasting multi-value panels actively mangles the newline characters, even if they were correctly formatted to begin with
Check it out:
( pretty crazy that these legacy differences from the age of teletype printers are still causing problems in today’s software … )
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