Data Tree Logic and Management

Hi There!

I have some queries about input and output logic of grasshopper. In the attachment surface split component is giving me trouble, normally I want to split all surfaces by curves on them but never done as I desire. This is giving me the sense that i did not understand the basic logic of GH trees.

In the SC 1, my data tree consist of 8 branches with 3 N each

In the SC 2, my data tree consist of 8 branches with 1 N each

How on earth in the SC 3 data branch come out 8 as expected but N’s are so arbitrary looking.

Can you explain this please?

sample (17.1 KB)
sample model.3dm (418.4 KB)

Curves and surfaces don’t match !

Barbarian flattening spotted at the very beginning ! Join Curves doesn’t keep the order because of that.

And to finish, tolerance issue due to the offset curve, extending the curve seems to do the trick.


sample (17.3 KB)

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Thank you very much ! . I googled “barbarian Flattening” but find only your comments to another topics. Can you explain me what is Barbarian Flattening for me to not to do same mistake again :smiling_face_with_tear:

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I should write a book, then, exploring the roots of this phenomenon. The introduction should look something like :

Barbarian Flattening is a sacrificial procedure done in Grasshopper in the name of the God of Lazyness :smiley:

More seriously, I often see people flattening inputs or outputs as a definitive solution to avoid data trees, instead of considering more subtle tree manipulations (Trim Tree / Shift Paths) that ensure data keeps some organisation along the definition.

You should never Flatten, unless you really have to.

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Ok, thanks for really sarcastic comment ahah. GH seems to me has lots of DOs and DONTs.

There are lots of ways to accomplish things in Grasshopper, so it’s not just a matter of do or don’t, it’s also a personal preference. Had someone else answered to the thread, you’d probably have got a different answer.

But avoid Flatten !

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