Customized curtain wall cell

Hi everyone,
I’m a new member of the Visualarq community and this is my first topic.
I would like to create an external cladding for a free-form wall/sloping roof using a standard product, in this specific case a sandwich panel produced by Marcegaglia (but it is the same for sheet metal, composite/aluminium/custom wood panel…). My idea is to use a curtain wall ‘from surface’ composed only by cells (without frame and mullion) but I have to replace Infill Type ‘Single Panel’ with with the sandwich panel (Rhino model or rather Visual Element). Is it possible? Just in case, I created a GH definition for this specific product to create an Element Style for Visualarq (attached below).
obviously if you have other suggestions or other better strategies to achieve the same result they are welcome.

Thanks in advance for your help.


Roof Sandwich Panel_millimeter.3dm (4.7 MB)
Roof Sandwich (16.1 KB)
Marcegaglia-Buildtech-insulated-panels-for-roof-TD5.pdf (289.3 KB)

To better explain my topic you can find attached two revit file dowloaded from ( where a curtain wall or a sloping glazing with sandwich panel are created as Revit System Family. Unfrtunately It’s not that simply because they only works with rectangular shaped surface, a very rare case in reality…

Walls_Sandwich-Panels_Isopan_Isocop-for-WALL_Vertical.rvt (10.5 MB)
Building-Materials-Insulation_Isopan_Isocop-Roof_Vertical.rvt (9.2 MB)

Hi @Marcello_Branzanti the curtain walls created as Grasshopper styles don’t support the option to be created from surfaces right now. I hope we can implement this option soon. Instead, you can use a path curve as input geometry to create them.
Or, you can use the slab object (which requires a boundary curve as input geometry), to create these panels. You can use them either for the vertical partitions or for the roofs. In this video you can see an example of a similar object and see how this works: