VA Roof / Slab - Grasshopper Geometry

Hey Guys,

I’m sure there’s some documentation or a forum post that discusses this, but I can’t seem to find it so I’m starting a new one.

I have several roofs that need to be visualized as being covered with corrugated metal. For example.

I have created a GH script that cleanly takes slabs and makes a nice trimmed single surface that represents the corrugated roof.

Corrugated (9.7 KB)

So, there must be a way to simply plug this into a slab and allow it to be integrated into a vaRoof component, right? Any guidance would be appreciated, and sorry for the strange units. My models are always in feet, but I calc small objects in inches.

Thanks for your help!

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And to extend this question, the same basic question except for GH VA_Walls for a board and batten. I’ve got a method of dividing up a wall into the geometry I want, but integrating this with a vaWall GH definition is a little beyond me.

This is with the ideal output of render ready geometry that’s generated by VA and can be edited easily. For example.

Here’s the GH definition used to generate the battens. (14.6 KB)

Any guidance is appreciated!

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Not helpful but I remember in Revit using window mullions shaped like corrugation with zero spacing to create this type of roof lol.

I haven’t used the smooth corrugated much as standing seam. In the past for standing seam I’ve made a sloped curtain wall that is only the ribs. It makes it easier to control the location of the ribs too. Looks like you could do similar with a rounded custom profile as a vertical support. The VA3beta even allows you to stretch the profile within the curtain wall type.

For the corners, you will need to extend the top or bottom to either itself or some object that is turned off / non-plot which essentially functions as a hidden boundary object.

Feature Request:
However, I think it would be great if there was a feature within the walls / slabs / roof native components that allowed for vertical or horizontal “supports” (like the curtain wall thing). These could be adjusted in spacing, width, depth, etc. And also have a setting for whether they are a solid or a void so they could act as ribs, battens, reveals, etc. Even vertical battens with horizontal reveals.

The next thing would be to control the bevel / chamfer or the supports or make them use a custom profile. So you could to the smooth corrugation for walls or roofs. T-channels for suspended ceilings, etc.

Finally, it would need a control point in the wall/slab/roof which set’s the start point of the supports. It’s no use making a pattern if you can’t control where the joints go.

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Hi @Clayton_Muhleman In VisualARQ3 you can create a Slab from a GH style that requires a boundary curve. Take a look at this example, which is very similar to your corrugated metal sheets:

However, once the new slab style is created, it might not work if you assign it to a roof style (you know that roof styles in VisualARQ are made out of slab styles). We need to add support for these cases.

But you can just create the slabs on each roof slope individually.

Agree! I take note of these requests (and the others) for future versions!