Creating a curved roof with Rhino.Inside for paneling

Hello, I am trying to create this roof in Revit using Rhino.Inside. The surface was created in Rhino using SubD then converted to surface. It has curvature in one direction, the longer one. I want to use it as a base for panelling, insulation layers etc. I had some success, I created a loft with only the curvature defining curve, used that to create a mass in Revit. I used roof by face to create a roof. Then I created a void mass, in grasshopper, to cut out the final shape of the roof. The problem is this only works with normal roofs. I want to create panels on top. Curtain system by face cannot be cut with the void mass. Attaching the grasshopper file, geometry internalized, and the Revit file. (50.2 KB)
Revit file is too large to upload

Hi Dilyan,

You may want to consider something like this…

I don’t have pufferfish installed, here I went to directshape with some geometry errors. (30.1 KB)