Curved façade curtain wall

Hello Everyone,
I’m trying to figure out an optimal way to script the glass facade with a curtain wall
with alternating vision (A) and spandrel panels (B).
I’m attaching one of the tiers of the building.

At this point I have a glass perimeter and number sliders for the width of a vision panel and a spandrel panel, also for the mullion sizes.

I’m not sure about the best way to move forward:
I need to make the glass, subdivide it into panels, extrude mullions (horizontal and vertical), delete mullions from the glass area, separate glass into two materials - vision (A) and spandrel (B) - I want to be able to grab A and B individually.

What comes to mind is just to extrude glass, then Boolean the mullions, etc., pretty much like modeling directly in Rhino. But maybe there is more optimal and simple way to utilize grasshopper power?

I would appreciate your input on more efficient work with curtain wall facade and panels. Maybe use use Panels from Lunch Box? Have not studied them yet.

thank you

2024 0916_Curved facade curtain wall.3dm (142.3 KB)
2024 0916_Curved facade curtain (17.9 KB)

I’ve sketched only 1 of 6 tiers of the tower, and the canvas is already completely messy and unreadable, mostly because of the wires.

Is there good way to organize multiple wires connecting to the same slider, for instance?

Still figuring out a clean way to organize a big script. Maybe there are general rules of thumb?
I cluster things as much as I can, but there are still too many things…

2024 0927_Curved facade curtain wall.3dm (204.3 KB)
2024 0927_Curved facade curtain (285.0 KB)

2024 0916_Curved facade curtain wall Edited (26.5 KB)


Thank you very much!
This is great, I will need to look into it a bit more in detail.

I’m addressing architects and designers here:
I wonder if this curved curtain wall facade can be scripted much simpler than the way I did it
in the files attached above:

Flexibility seems to be a great tool, but wanna try stick with native GH components or maybe Paneling Tools / Lunch box?..
After all this is a standard curtain wall and I want to control its footprint geometry (radiuses of curves), mullion sizes and panel sizes.

I’m sure people have done this multiple times already.
but my script is too heavy and I can not even apply this to other tiers of the building as it’s too much work, which defeats the purpose of scripting.

So, If you guys, have experience of making a curtain wall facade better, please advise.
Thank you All !

hi, I can’t answer your question on how to do the curved panel, i’m just starting GH. But as a designer/worked with a lot of designer. 90% of the time during value engineering they wouldn’t want a curved glazing due to cost. i.m not sure what stage your project is but to save you time better talk to the designer/boss of the designer if they really want a curve glass.

You are correct in, but this is a speculative project - no concern for cost.

The main goal of this study is for me to understand the methodology for generating curtain walls on complex geometries in GH.

Right now still figuring out the 1st step - an algorithm for making a regular curtain wall with controllable panels and mullions, but in a simpler manner than what I have posted above.
What would be a good method to generate the custom grid and then extrude those volumes of glass and mullions…