Curve problem


I think I said activate a command without doing it on purpose but I can’t figure out which one it is. As in the attached photos, normally it was a circle but it is open when I validate. Can you help me?

Thanks in advance.

Hi Melvin -
Please run the Rhino SystemInfo command and copy-paste the result here.
Also, please upload the 3dm file with that circle - pictures alone are not enough to see what’s going on.

Hello- that looks like a surface, and not a curve, to me - it seems some ort all of the control points have been projected to the CPlane, something like that. It looks like a mistake - I would delete it and start over, to get what you want.


thank you for your help, I don’t know how but this morning it works fine and without problem.
Thank you, have a good day.

i assume you accidentally meddled with the command called Maelstrom