Curve | Plane node failed

I had created a script like this sample file to get the intersection points of curve and plane, but suddenly the behavior of this node stopped working correctly.
I don’t know what the cause is, so I wonder if anyone can help me figure it out.

test.3dm (344.3 KB) (5.1 KB)

I think the problem is scale-related, it’s very very big :slight_smile:

if you scale things down, intersect them, then scale- up again it looks like working well:

at that point you’ll see another set of problems coming up :slight_smile:

like for instance Plane at index 47 that does not intersect the curve in its closest position, but -because the plane is infinite- intersects it on the opposite end

similar thing for plane at index 46 which intersects a first time on the opposite side, and a second time close to its location

to solve that you might want to just scale up the surfaces until they intersect the curve on one place, but not in two: (33.9 KB)
[Curve and Surfaces are internalized in the GH file: you won’t need the Rhino file]

Thank you for your replied.

Certainly scaling down and then scaling up again is one way to go!
Now it works correctly
But it was working fine before, but suddenly it stopped working…

Check this alternative and make sure to keep your rhino document absolute tolerance to 0.001… (27.9 KB)